Monday, February 29, 2016

squiggly lines

Crayon definitions from Urban Dictionary:

A device made by superior beings.  It is constructed out  of rugged wax and has color added to it in it's liquid form.  Once cooled and a label slapped on it.  The Crayon can be used to create or destroy.

1) getting your cray on (see definition for cray)
2) getting crazy, wild, stupid
3) a wax-made colorful writing utensil that is responsible for most artistic childhood memories... the red one tastes the best

Wonderful devices built for consumption.

A coloring utensil designed by crayola to make adults feel like kids again.

a swedish delicacy, a garnish for barbequed children

I could get all deep and say that crayons represent all different kinds of people, "we are all just crayons trying to get picked out of the box... not all of us are pretty"... bla bla bla.  In reality I'm just trying to make it through high school and keep the crayons from melting into the backseat of my car (thank you little brothers and sisters).

I guess what I'm trying to say is just let the kiddos color, let them have the crayons, let them go out of the lines, let them eat the crayons every once in a while, and let them be happy.


  1. ''crayon-a swedish delicacy, a garnish for barbecued children" hahahaha I love that

    I also really loved the last paragraph. Sweet and liberating. "let the kiddos color"

  2. Get your cray on...yeahhhhh

  3. totally laughed at the swedish delicacy part and I probably said this already but your blog and music are serious goals
